Data for Southern Ocean species distribution modelling

Modelling Species Distribution in the Southern Ocean

Species Distribution Modelling is a correlative approach that helps assess the relationship between species occurrence records and their surrounding environmental conditions. Studying the distribution of benthic species in the Southern Ocean constitutes an interesting approach to interpolate the little amount of information we have in this broad scale and poorly accessible area. We provide here a set of environmental descriptors suitable for the modelling work. The present vignette describes the procedure to select and download them.

Environmental descriptors list

The present dataset is composed of 58 environmental descriptors, set at a 0.1 degree grid-cell resolution, on the Southern Ocean extent (80 to 45 degrees S, -180 to 180 degrees longitude). Layers are provided as a netCDF file format.

  • 1/ depth
    Description: Bathymetry. Dowloaded from GEBCO 2014 (0.0083 degrees = 30sec arcmin resolution) and set at resolution 0.1 degrees. Then completed with the bathymetry layer manually corrected and provided in Fabri-Ruiz et al. (2017)
    Value range: -8038.722 - 0
    Units: m
    Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO
    Citation: Fabri-Ruiz S, Saucede T, Danis B and David B (2017). Southern Ocean Echinoids database_An updated version of Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database. ZooKeys, (697), 1.

  • 2/ geomorphology
    Description: Last update on portal. Derived from O’Brien et al. (2009) seafloor geomorphic feature dataset. Mapping based on GEBCO contours, ETOPO2, seismic lines).
    Value range: 27 categories
    Units: categorical
    Source: This study. Derived from Australian Antarctic Data Centre
    Citation: O’Brien, P.E., Post, A.L., and Romeyn, R. (2009) Antarctic-wide geomorphology as an aid to habitat mapping and locating vulnerable marine ecosystems. CCAMLR VME Workshop 2009. Document WS-VME-09/10

  • 3/ sediments
    Description: Sediment features
    Value range: 14 categories
    Units: categorical
    Source: Griffiths 2014 (unpublished)

  • 4/ slope
    Description: Seafloor slope derived from bathymetry with the terrain function of raster R package. Computation according to Horn (1981), ie option neighbor=8. The computation was done on the GEBCO bathymetry layer (0.0083 degrees resolution) and the resolution was then changed to 0.1 degrees. Unit set at degrees.
    Value range: 0.000252378 - 16.94809
    Units: degrees
    Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO
    Citation: Horn, B.K.P., 1981. Hill shading and the reflectance map. Proceedings of the IEEE 69:14-47

  • 5/ roughness
    Description: Seafloor roughness derived from bathymetry with the terrain function of raster R package. Roughness is the difference between the maximum and the minimum value of a cell and its 8 surrounding cells. The computation was done on the GEBCO bathymetry layer (0.0083 degrees resolution) and the resolution was then changed to 0.1 degrees.
    Value range: 0 - 5171.278
    Units: unitless
    Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO

  • 6/ mixed_layer_depth
    Description: Summer mixed layer depth climatology from ARGOS data. Regridded from 2-degree grid using nearest neighbour interpolation
    Value range: 13.79615 - 461.5424
    Units: m

  • 7/ seasurface_current_speed
    Description: Current speed near the surface (2.5m depth), derived from the CAISOM model (Galton-Fenzi et al. 2012, based on ROMS model)
    Value range: 1.50E-04 - 1.7
    Units: m/s
    Source: This study. Derived from Australia Antarctic Data Centre
    Citation: see Galton-Fenzi BK, Hunter JR, Coleman R, Marsland SJ, Warner RC (2012) Modeling the basal melting and marine ice accretion of the Amery Ice Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C09031.,

  • 8/ seafloor_current_speed
    Description: Current speed near the sea floor, derived from the CAISOM model (Galton-Fenzi et al. 2012, based on ROMS)
    Value range: 3.40E-04 - 0.53
    Units: m/s
    Source: This study. Derived from Australia Antarctic Data Centre
    Citation: see Galton-Fenzi BK, Hunter JR, Coleman R, Marsland SJ, Warner RC (2012) Modeling the basal melting and marine ice accretion of the Amery Ice Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C09031.,

  • 9/ distance_antarctica
    Description: Distance to the nearest part of the Antarctic continent
    Value range: 0 - 3445
    Units: km

  • 10/ distance_canyon
    Description: Distance to the axis of the nearest canyon
    Value range: 0 - 3117
    Units: km

  • 11/ distance_max_ice_edge
    Description: Distance to the mean maximum winter sea ice extent (derived from daily estimates of sea ice concentration)
    Value range: -2614.008 - 2314.433
    Units: km

  • 12/ distance_shelf
    Description: Distance to nearest area of seafloor of depth 500m or shallower
    Value range: -1296 - 1750
    Units: km

  • 13/ ice_cover_max
    Description: Ice concentration fraction, maximum on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 1
    Units: unitless
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284, see also

  • 14/ ice_cover_mean
    Description: Ice concentration fraction, mean on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 0.9708595
    Units: unitless
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also

  • 15/ ice_cover_min
    Description: Ice concentration fraction, minimum on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 0.8536261
    Units: unitless
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also

  • 16/ ice_cover_range
    Description: Ice concentration fraction, difference maximum-minimum on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 1
    Units: unitless
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also

  • 17/ ice_thickness_max
    Description: Ice thickness, maximum on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 3.471811
    Units: m
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also

  • 18/ ice_thickness_mean
    Description: Ice thickness, mean on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 1.614133
    Units: m
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also

  • 19/ ice_thickness_min
    Description: Ice thickness, minimum on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 0.7602701
    Units: m
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also

  • 20/ ice_thickness_range
    Description: Ice thickness, difference maximum-minimim on [1957-2017] time period
    Value range: 0 - 3.471811
    Units: m
    Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
    Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also

  • 21/ chla_ampli_alltime_2005_2012
    Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Amplitude of pixel values (difference betwenn maximal and minimal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012])
    Value range: 0 - 77.15122
    Units: mg/m^3

  • 22/ chla_max_alltime_2005_2012
    Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Maximal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0 - 77.28562
    Units: mg/m^3

  • 23/ chla_mean_alltime_2005_2012
    Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Mean value of each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0 - 30.42691
    Units: mg/m^3

  • 24/ chla_min_alltime_2005_2012
    Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Minimal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0 - 29.02929
    Units: mg/m^3

  • 25/ chla_sd_alltime_2005_2012
    Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Standard deviation value of each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0 - 27.9877
    Units: mg/m^3

  • 26/ POC_2005_2012_ampli
    Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Amplitude value (difference maximal and minimal value, see previous layers) all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0 - 1.31761
    Units: g/m^2/d
    Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
    Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).

  • 27/ POC_2005_2012_max
    Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Maximal value encountered on each pixel among all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0.00332562 - 1.376601
    Units: g/m^2/d
    Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
    Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).

  • 28/ POC_2005_2012_mean
    Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Mean all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0.003184335 - 0.5031364
    Units: g/m^2/d
    Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
    Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).

  • 29/ POC_2005_2012_min
    Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Minimal value encountered on each pixel among all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
    Value range: 0.003116508 - 0.1313119
    Units: g/m^2/d
    Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
    Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).

  • 30/ POC_2005_2012_sd
    Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Standard deviation all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
    Value range: 3.85E-08 - 0.4417001
    Units: g/m^2/d
    Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
    Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).

  • 31/ seafloor_oxy_19552012_ampli
    Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: 0.001755714 - 5.285187
    Units: mL/L
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 32/ seafloor_oxy_19552012_max
    Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: 3.059685 - 11.52433
    Units: mL/L
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 33/ seafloor_oxy_19552012_mean
    Description: Mean seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
    Value range: 2.836582 - 8.858084
    Units: mL/L
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 34/ seafloor_oxy_19552012_min
    Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: 0.4315577 - 8.350794
    Units: mL/L
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 35/ seafloor_oxy_19552012_sd
    Description: Standard deviation seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012] (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
    Value range: 0.000427063 - 1.588707
    Units: mL/L
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 36/ seafloor_sali_2005_2012_ampli
    Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: 0.000801086 - 4.249901
    Units: PSU
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 37/ seafloor_sali_2005_2012_max
    Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: 32.90105 - 35.3997
    Units: PSU
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 38/ seafloor_sali_2005_2012_mean
    Description: Mean seafloor salinity over [2005-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
    Value range: 32.51107 - 35.03207
    Units: PSU
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 39/ seafloor_sali_2005_2012_min
    Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: 29.8904 - 34.97735
    Units: PSU
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 40/ seafloor_sali_2005_2012_sd
    Description: Standard deviation seafloor salinity over [2005-2012] (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
    Value range: 0.000251834 - 1.36245
    Units: PSU
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 41/ seafloor_temp_2005_2012_ampli
    Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: 0.0086 - 8.625669
    Units: degrees C
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 42/ seafloor_temp_2005_2012_max
    Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: -2.021455 - 15.93171
    Units: degrees C
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 43/ seafloor_temp_2005_2012_mean
    Description: Mean seafloor temperature over [2005-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
    Value range: -2.085796 - 13.23161
    Units: degrees C
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 44/ seafloor_temp_2005_2012_min
    Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
    Value range: -2.1 - 11.6431
    Units: degrees C
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 45/ seafloor_temp_2005_2012_sd
    Description: Standard deviation seafloor temperature over [2005-2012] (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
    Value range: 0.002843571 - 2.877084
    Units: degrees C
    Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013

  • 46/ extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_ampli
    Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) number of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 3
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 47/ extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_max
    Description: Maximum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 5
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 48/ extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_mean
    Description: Mean of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: 0 - 3.875
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 49/ extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_min
    Description: Minimum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 5
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 50/ extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_ampli
    Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) number of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 9
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 51/ extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_max
    Description: Maximum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 11
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 52/ extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_mean
    Description: Mean of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 11
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 53/ extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_min
    Description: Minimum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 11
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers

  • 54/ extreme_event_min_oxy_1955_2012_nb
    Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) number of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
    Value range: integer values 0 - 9
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from oxygen concentration layers

  • 55/ nb_extreme_event_max_sali_2005_2012_nb
    Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor oxygen concentration records) that happened between January and December of the year
    Value range: integer values 0 - 12
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from salinity concentration layers

  • 56/ nb_extreme_event_min_sali_2005_2012_nb
    Description: Number of extreme events (maximal seafloor salinity records) that happened between January and December of the year
    Value range: integer values 0 - 12
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from salinity concentration layers

  • 57/ extreme_event_max_temp_2005_2012_nb
    Description: Number of extreme events (maximal seafloor temperature records) that happened between January and December of the year
    Value range: integer values 0 - 12
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from temperature concentration layers

  • 58/ extreme_event_min_temp_2005_2012_nb
    Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor temperature records) that happened between January and December of the year
    Value range: integer values 0 - 12
    Units: unitless
    Source: derived from temperature concentration layers

The full metadata file, giving details on each of the data sources, is available from

How to download the data

The first steps to download the data are to define the directory in which the data will be stored. In this example, we use a temporary folder.

my_data_directory <- tempdir()

## the data source we want
data_source <- sources_sdm("Southern Ocean marine environmental data")

## put these together into a blueant configuration
config <- bb_config(my_data_directory) %>% bb_add(data_source)
## Local file root: /tmp/RtmpGzkCe8 
## # Data group:  Modelling 
## ##  Southern Ocean marine environmental data 
## This dataset is a collection of marine environmental data layers suitable for use in Southern Ocean species distribution modelling. All environmental layers have been generated at a spatial resolution of 0.1 degrees, covering the Southern Ocean extent (80 degrees S - 45 degrees S, -180 - 180 degrees). The layers include information relating to bathymetry, sea ice, ocean currents, primary production, particulate organic carbon, and other oceanographic data.
## An example of reading and using these data layers in R can be found at
## The following layers are provided:
## 1. Layer name: depth
## Description: Bathymetry. Downloaded from GEBCO 2014 (0.0083 degrees = 30sec arcmin resolution) and set at resolution 0.1 degrees. Then completed with the bathymetry layer manually corrected and provided in Fabri-Ruiz et al. (2017)
## Value range: -8038.722 - 0
## Units: m
## Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO
## URL:
## Citation: Fabri-Ruiz S, Saucede T, Danis B and David B (2017). Southern Ocean Echinoids database_An updated version of Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database. ZooKeys, (697), 1.
## 2. Layer name: geomorphology
## Description: Last update on portal. Derived from  O'Brien et al. (2009) seafloor geomorphic feature dataset. Mapping based on GEBCO contours, ETOPO2, seismic lines). 27 categories
## Value range: 27 categories
## Units: categorical
## Source: This study. Derived from Australian Antarctic Data Centre
## URL:
## Citation: O'Brien, P.E., Post, A.L., and Romeyn, R. (2009) Antarctic-wide geomorphology as an aid to habitat mapping and locating vulnerable marine ecosystems. CCAMLR VME Workshop 2009. Document WS-VME-09/10
## 3. Layer name: sediments
## Description: Sediment features
## Value range: 14 categories
## Units: categorical
## Source: Griffiths 2014 (unpublished)
## URL:
## 4. Layer name: slope
## Description: Seafloor slope derived from bathymetry with the terrain function of raster R package. Computation according to Horn (1981), ie option neighbor=8. The computation was done on the GEBCO bathymetry layer (0.0083 degrees resolution) and the resolution was then changed to 0.1 degrees. Unit set at degrees.
## Value range: 0.000252378 - 16.94809
## Units: degrees
## Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO
## URL:
## Citation: Horn, B.K.P., 1981. Hill shading and the reflectance map. Proceedings of the IEEE 69:14-47
## 5. Layer name: roughness
## Description: Seafloor roughness derived from bathymetry with the terrain function of raster R package. Roughness is the difference between the maximum and the minimum value of a cell and its 8 surrounding cells. The computation was done on the GEBCO bathymetry layer (0.0083 degrees resolution) and the resolution was then changed to 0.1 degrees.
## Value range: 0 - 5171.278
## Units: unitless
## Source: This study. Derived from GEBCO
## URL:
## 6. Layer name: mixed layer depth
## Description: Summer mixed layer depth climatology from ARGOS data. Regridded from 2-degree grid using nearest neighbour interpolation
## Value range: 13.79615 - 461.5424
## Units: m
## Source:
## 7. Layer name: seasurface_current_speed
## Description: Current speed near the surface (2.5m depth), derived from the CAISOM model (Galton-Fenzi et al. 2012, based on ROMS model)
## Value range: 1.50E-04 - 1.7
## Units: m/s
## Source: This study. Derived from Australian Antarctic Data Centre
## URL:
## Citation: see Galton-Fenzi BK, Hunter JR, Coleman R, Marsland SJ, Warner RC (2012) Modeling the basal melting and marine ice accretion of the Amery Ice Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C09031.,
## 8. Layer name: seafloor_current_speed
## Description: Current speed near the sea floor, derived from the CAISOM model  (Galton-Fenzi et al. 2012, based on ROMS)
## Value range: 3.40E-04 - 0.53
## Units: m/s
## Source: This study. Derived from Australian Antarctic Data Centre
## URL:
## Citation: see Galton-Fenzi BK, Hunter JR, Coleman R, Marsland SJ, Warner RC (2012) Modeling the basal melting and marine ice accretion of the Amery Ice Shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, C09031.,
## 9. Layer name: distance_antarctica
## Description: Distance to the nearest part of the Antarctic continent
## Value range: 0 - 3445
## Units: km
## Source:
## 10. Layer name: distance_canyon
## Description: Distance to the axis of the nearest canyon
## Value range: 0 - 3117
## Units: km
## Source:
## 11. Layer name: distance_max_ice_edge
## Description: Distance to the mean maximum winter sea ice extent (derived from daily estimates of sea ice concentration)
## Value range: -2614.008 - 2314.433
## Units: km
## Source:
## 12. Layer name: distance_shelf
## Description: Distance to nearest area of seafloor of depth 500m or shallower
## Value range: -1296 - 1750
## Units: km
## Source:
## 13. Layer name: ice_cover_max
## Description: Ice concentration fraction, maximum on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 1
## Units: unitless
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 14. Layer name: ice_cover_mean
## Description: Ice concentration fraction, mean on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 0.9708595
## Units: unitless
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 15. Layer name: ice_cover_min
## Description: Ice concentration fraction, minimum on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 0.8536261
## Units: unitless
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 16. Layer name: ice_cover_range
## Description: Ice concentration fraction, difference maximum-minimum on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 1
## Units: unitless
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 17. Layer name: ice_thickness_max
## Description: Ice thickness, maximum on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 3.471811
## Units: m
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 18. Layer name: ice_thickness_mean
## Description: Ice thickness, mean on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 1.614133
## Units: m
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 19. Layer name: ice_thickness_min
## Description: Ice thickness, minimum on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 0.7602701
## Units: m
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 20. Layer name: ice_thickness_range
## Description: Ice thickness, difference maximum-minimum on [1957-2017] time period
## Value range: 0 - 3.471811
## Units: m
## Source: BioOracle accessed 24/04/2018, see Assis et al. (2018)
## URL:
## Citation: Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Verbruggen H, Serrao EA and De Clerck O (2018). Bio_ORACLE v2. 0: Extending marine data layers for bioclimatic modelling. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(3), 277-284 , see also
## 21. Layer name: chla_ampli_alltime_2005_2012
## Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Amplitude of pixel values (difference between maximal and minimal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012])
## Value range: 0 - 77.15122
## Units: mg/m^3
## Source:
## URL:
## 22. Layer name: chla_max_alltime_2005_2012
## Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Maximal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0 - 77.28562
## Units: mg/m^3
## Source:
## URL:
## 23. Layer name: chla_mean_alltime_2005_2012
## Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Mean value of each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0 - 30.42691
## Units: mg/m^3
## Source:
## URL:
## 24. Layer name: chla_min_alltime_2005_2012
## Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Minimal value encountered by each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0 - 29.02929
## Units: mg/m^3
## Source:
## URL:
## 25. Layer name: chla_sd_alltime_2005_2012
## Description: Chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained from MODIS satellite data. Standard deviation value of each pixel during all months of the period [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0 - 27.9877
## Units: mg/m^3
## Source:
## URL:
## 26. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_ampli
## Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Amplitude value (difference maximal and minimal value, see previous layers) all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0 - 1.31761
## Units: g/m^2/d
## Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
## URL:
## Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).
## 27. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_max
## Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Maximal value encountered on each pixel among all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0.00332562 - 1.376601
## Units: g/m^2/d
## Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
## URL:
## Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).
## 28. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_mean
## Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Mean all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0.003184335 - 0.5031364
## Units: g/m^2/d
## Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
## URL:
## Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).
## 29. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_min
## Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Minimal value encountered on each pixel among all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
## Value range: 0.003116508 - 0.1313119
## Units: g/m^2/d
## Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
## URL:
## Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).
## 30. Layer name: POC_2005_2012_sd
## Description: Particulate organic carbon, model Lutz et al. (2007). Standard deviation all seasonal layers [2005-2012]
## Value range: 3.85E-08 - 0.4417001
## Units: g/m^2/d
## Source: This study. Following Lutz et al. (2007)
## URL:
## Citation: Lutz MJ, Caldeira K, Dunbar RB and Behrenfeld MJ (2007). Seasonal rhythms of net primary production and particulate organic carbon flux to depth describe the efficiency of biological pump in the global ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10).
## 31. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_ampli
## Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: 0.001755714 - 5.285187
## Units: mL/L
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 32. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_max
## Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: 3.059685 - 11.52433
## Units: mL/L
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 33. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_mean
## Description: Mean seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
## Value range: 2.836582 - 8.858084
## Units: mL/L
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 34. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_min
## Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: 0.4315577 - 8.350794
## Units: mL/L
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 35. Layer name: seafloor_oxy_1955_2012_sd
## Description: Standard deviation seafloor oxygen concentration over [1955-2012]  (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
## Value range: 0.000427063 - 1.588707
## Units: mL/L
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 36. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_ampli
## Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: 0.000801086 - 4.249901
## Units: PSU
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 37. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_max
## Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: 32.90105 - 35.3997
## Units: PSU
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 38. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_mean
## Description: Mean seafloor salinity over [2005-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
## Value range: 32.51107 - 35.03207
## Units: PSU
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 39. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_min
## Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor salinity over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: 29.8904 - 34.97735
## Units: PSU
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 40. Layer name: seafloor_sali_2005_2012_sd
## Description: Standard deviation seafloor salinity over [2005-2012]  (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
## Value range: 0.000251834 - 1.36245
## Units: PSU
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 41. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_ampli
## Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: 0.0086 - 8.625669
## Units: degrees C
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 42. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_max
## Description: Maximum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: -2.021455 - 15.93171
## Units: degrees C
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 43. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_mean
## Description: Mean seafloor temperature over [2005-2012] (average of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
## Value range: -2.085796 - 13.23161
## Units: degrees C
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 44. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_min
## Description: Minimum value encountered for each pixel on all month layers of seafloor temperature over [2005-2012], modified from WOCE
## Value range: -2.1 - 11.6431
## Units: degrees C
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 45. Layer name: seafloor_temp_2005_2012_sd
## Description: Standard deviation seafloor temperature over [2005-2012]  (of all monthly layers), modified from WOCE
## Value range: 0.002843571 - 2.877084
## Units: degrees C
## Source: Derived from World Ocean Circulation Experiment 2013
## URL:
## 46. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_ampli
## Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) number of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: integer values 0 - 3
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 47. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_max
## Description: Maximum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: integer values 0 - 5
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 48. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_mean
## Description: Mean of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: 0 - 3.875
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 49. Layer name: extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_min
## Description: Minimum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: integer values 0 - 5
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 50. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_ampli
## Description: Amplitude (difference maximum-minimum) number of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: integer values 0 - 9
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 51. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_max
## Description: Maximum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: integer values 0 - 11
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 52. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_mean
## Description: Mean of the number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: 0 - 11
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 53. Layer name: extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_min
## Description: Minimum number of extreme events calculated between 2005 and 2012
## Value range: integer values 0 - 11
## Units: unitless
## Source: derived from chlorophyll-a concentration layers
## 54. Layer name: extreme_event_min_oxy_1955_2012_nb
## Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor oxygen concentration records) that happened between January and December of the year
## Value range: integer values 0 - 12
## Units: per year
## Source: derived from seafloor oxygen concentration layers
## 55. Layer name: extreme_event_max_sali_2005_2012_nb
## Description: Number of extreme events (maximal seafloor salinity records) that happened between January and December of the year
## Value range: integer values 0 - 12
## Units: per year
## Source: derived from seafloor salinity layers
## 56. Layer name: extreme_event_min_sali_2005_2012_nb
## Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor salinity records) that happened between January and December of the year
## Value range: integer values 0 - 12
## Units: per year
## Source: derived from seafloor salinity layers
## 57. Layer name: extreme_event_max_temp_2005_2012_nb
## Description: Number of extreme events (maximal seafloor temperature records) that happened between January and December of the year
## Value range: integer values 0 - 12
## Units: per year
## Source: derived from seafloor temperature layers
## 58. Layer name: extreme_event_min_temp_2005_2012_nb
## Description: Number of extreme events (minimal seafloor temperature records) that happened between January and December of the year
## Value range: integer values 0 - 12
## Units: per year
## Source: derived from seafloor temperature layers 
## Approximate size: 0.3 GB 
## Documentation link: 
## Citation:  Guillaumot, C., Raymond, B. and Danis, B. (2018) Marine environmental data layers for Southern Ocean species distribution modelling, Ver. 1,  <em>Australian Antarctic Data Centre</em> - <a href="">doi:10.26179/5b8f30e30d4f3</a>, Accessed: 2025-02-07 
## License:  CC-BY 
## Local file system paths: /tmp/RtmpGzkCe8/
## Associated access functions:  raster::stack

Now we can ask blueant to fetch and unpack the data:

status <- bb_sync(config, verbose = TRUE)
## Fri Feb  7 02:42:11 2025
## Synchronizing dataset: Southern Ocean marine environmental data
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  this dataset path is: /tmp/RtmpGzkCe8/
##  downloading file 1 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 2 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 3 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 4 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 5 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 6 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 7 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 8 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 9 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 10 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 11 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 12 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 13 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 14 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 15 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 16 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 17 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 18 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 19 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 20 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 21 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 22 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 23 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 24 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 25 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 26 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 27 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 28 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 29 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 30 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 31 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 32 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 33 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 34 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 35 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 36 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 37 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 38 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 39 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 40 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 41 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 42 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 43 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 44 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 45 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 46 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 47 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 48 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 49 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 50 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 51 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 52 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 53 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 54 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 55 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 56 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 57 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 58 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 59 of 60: ...  done.
##  downloading file 60 of 60: ...  done.
## Fri Feb  7 02:42:59 2025 dataset synchronization complete: Southern Ocean marine environmental data

The verbose = TRUE argument helps to display the progress output. Once completed, the status object provides some information about the files that were downloaded. In particular, the downloaded netCDF files can be listed with:

nc_files <- Filter(function(z) grepl("\\.nc$", z), status$files[[1]]$file)

## the first few files
## [1] ""          ""           
## [3] ""           ""           
## [5] ""             ""

And then you can open your data with the raster package


## create a raster stack of all layers
x <- stack(nc_files)

## the layers in this object
##  [1] "POC_2005_2012_ampli"                  
##  [2] "POC_2005_2012_max"                    
##  [3] "POC_2005_2012_mean"                   
##  [4] "POC_2005_2012_min"                    
##  [5] "POC_2005_2012_sd"                     
##  [6] "chla_ampli_alltime_2005_2012"         
##  [7] "chla_max_alltime_2005_2012"           
##  [8] "chla_mean_alltime_2005_2012"          
##  [9] "chla_min_alltime_2005_2012"           
## [10] "chla_sd_alltime_2005_2012"            
## [11] "depth"                                
## [12] "distance_antarctica"                  
## [13] "distance_canyon"                      
## [14] "distance_max_ice_edge"                
## [15] "distance_shelf"                       
## [16] "extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_ampli"
## [17] "extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_max"  
## [18] "extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_mean" 
## [19] "extreme_event_max_chl_2005_2012_min"  
## [20] "extreme_event_max_sali_2005_2012_nb"  
## [21] "extreme_event_max_temp_2005_2012_nb"  
## [22] "extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_ampli"
## [23] "extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_max"  
## [24] "extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_mean" 
## [25] "extreme_event_min_chl_2005_2012_min"  
## [26] "extreme_event_min_oxy_1955_2012_nb"   
## [27] "extreme_event_min_sali_2005_2012_nb"  
## [28] "extreme_event_min_temp_2005_2012_nb"  
## [29] "geomorphology"                        
## [30] "ice_cover_max"                        
## [31] "ice_cover_mean"                       
## [32] "ice_cover_min"                        
## [33] "ice_cover_range"                      
## [34] "ice_thickness_max"                    
## [35] "ice_thickness_mean"                   
## [36] "ice_thickness_min"                    
## [37] "ice_thickness_range"                  
## [38] "mixed_layer_depth"                    
## [39] "roughness"                            
## [40] "seafloor_current_speed"               
## [41] "seafloor_oxy_19552012_ampli"          
## [42] "seafloor_oxy_19552012_max"            
## [43] "seafloor_oxy_19552012_mean"           
## [44] "seafloor_oxy_19552012_min"            
## [45] "seafloor_oxy_19552012_sd"             
## [46] "seafloor_sali_2005_2012_ampli"        
## [47] "seafloor_sali_2005_2012_max"          
## [48] "seafloor_sali_2005_2012_mean"         
## [49] "seafloor_sali_2005_2012_min"          
## [50] "seafloor_sali_2005_2012_sd"           
## [51] "seafloor_temp_2005_2012_ampli"        
## [52] "seafloor_temp_2005_2012_max"          
## [53] "seafloor_temp_2005_2012_mean"         
## [54] "seafloor_temp_2005_2012_min"          
## [55] "seafloor_temp_2005_2012_sd"           
## [56] "seasurface_current_speed"             
## [57] "sediments"                            
## [58] "slope"
## select the layers you want according to the layer names
subset(x, c("depth", "slope", "POC_2005_2012_mean"))
## class      : RasterStack 
## dimensions : 350, 3600, 1260000, 3  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution : 0.1, 0.1  (x, y)
## extent     : -180, 180, -80, -45  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs        : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
## names      :         depth,         slope, POC_2005_2012_mean 
## min values : -8.038722e+03,  2.523780e-04,       3.184335e-03 
## max values :     0.0000000,    16.9480934,          0.5031364
## or subset by layer number
## e.g. plot the first four layers
plot(subset(x, 1:4))

You can also consult the blueant vignette for further information.