Package: raadtools 0.7.0

Michael D. Sumner

raadtools: Tools for Synoptic Environmental Spatial Data

Tools for reading, plotting and manipulating spatial data, particularly from remote sensing and model output.

Authors:Michael D. Sumner [aut, cre], Ben Raymond [ctb]

raadtools/json (API)

# Install 'raadtools' in R:
install.packages('raadtools', repos = c('', ''))

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84 exports 24 stars 2.38 score 59 dependencies 232 scripts

Last updated 30 days agofrom:180b626153. Checks:ERROR: 7. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesFAILAug 20 2024
R-4.5-winERRORAug 20 2024
R-4.5-linuxERRORAug 20 2024
R-4.4-winERRORAug 20 2024
R-4.4-macERRORAug 20 2024
R-4.3-winERRORAug 20 2024
R-4.3-macERRORAug 20 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
R tools for spatial data, extensions using raster to read and extractraadtools-package
Load raw list of all files available to raadtools from the data repository.allfiles
AMPS filesamps_d1_icefiles
AMPS GRIB file metadataamps_metadata
Aurora Australis voyage trackaurora
Ocean colour colours for chlorophyll-a.chl.pal
Coast mapcoastmap
This is a list of often used projections, in PROJcommonprojections
Circumpolar ROMS files.cpolarfiles
AVISO ocean currents filescurrentsfiles
Load metadata and location of files of polar climatological and other summary environmental dataderivaadcfiles
List all derived data products available through 'readderivaadc'derivaadcproducts
Load metadata and location of files of derived sea ice data products.derivicefiles
Distance to a sea ice 'edge'.distance_to_ice distance_to_ice_edge
extractextract extract,function,data.frame-method
Fast ice filesfraser_fasticefiles
Fronts map data for the Southern Oceanfrontsmap
GHRSST L4 filesghrsstfiles
Load metadata and location of files of sea ice data products.icefiles
Maps of placesimagemap
Nuyina underway tracknuyina
Derived ocean colour filesoc_sochla_files
Load metadata and location of files of ocean colour data products.ocfiles
Polar mappolar_map
Create a query gridquery_grid
Load metadata and location of files of Rapid Response imagery.rapid_responsefiles
Altimetry products.read_adt_daily read_err_daily read_sla_daily read_ugosa_daily read_ugos_daily read_vgosa_daily read_vgos_daily
Read AMSR sea ice data.read_amsr_ice
Read AMSR2 sea ice data (3km.read_amsr2_3k_ice
Read AMSR2 sea ice data (6km)read_amsr2_ice
Read AMSRE sea ice data (6km)read_amsre_ice
Read CCMP wind files, from the RSS Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform Ocean Surface Wind Projectread_ccmp
Read CERSAT daily sea ice data.read_cersat_ice
Read Earth Gravitation Modelread_geoid
Relative lead frequencies for the polar oceansread_leads_clim read_leads_clim_north read_leads_clim_south
Southern Ocean Chlorophyll-aread_oc_sochla
Read PAR from NASA ocean colour.read_par
Read SOSE Southern Ocean State Estimateread_sose
read AMPS datareadamps_d1wind
Read 'cafe' MODIS monthly datareadcafe
Read Chlorophyll-a, NASA algorithmreadchla readCHL_month
Read AVISO ocean current datareadcurr
Read data from polar climatological and other summary environmental datareadderivaadc
Read data from derived sea ice data products.readderivice
Fast ice datareadfastice
Read data from the Sokolov/Rintoul Southern Ocean fronts analysis.readfronts
Backward-in-time Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponentsreadfsle
Read GHRSSTreadghrsst
Read from NSIDC 25km polar sea ice.readice readice_daily readice_monthly
Area of pixels in sea icereadice_area
Mixed Layer Depthreadmld
MODIS Rapid Response imagesreadrapid_response
Read SMAP sea surface salinity datareadsal
read SSH/Areadssh
Read OISST sea surface temperature datareadsst
Topography datareadbathy readtopo read_rema_tiles topofile
SMAP sea surface temperature filessalfiles
Set the file system locations where data are storedget_data_roots set_data_roots
SOSE varnamessose_monthly_varnames
AVISO sea surface height / anomaly filessshfiles
SST colourssst.pal
OISST sea surface temperature filessstfiles
Stations locationsstations
Read surface currents as tabletable_uvgos
Stable conversion to POSIXct from character and DatetimedateFrom
Files containing NCEP2 wind vector datawindfiles